How to Identify and Treat Dog Depression
Dog depression can be challenging, both for the pet and the owner. The most important step is to recognize it and then build a strategy for treating it. Want to know more? Keep reading!
What causes dog depression
Dogs are usually emotional and empathic, especially when it comes to the relationship with their owner, or an animal friend. Each change in that field can be confusing and stressful for them. As a result, they can slide into a depression.
To be more specific, the reasons for depression in dogs can be:
- a move to another home,
- a change in a dog's schedule,
- the arrival of a new family member (a baby or a spouse) or
- an addition of a new pet.
Dog behavior: Anger management
Although these reasons are likely to cause depression, the main triggers are the loss of an owner or an animal companion.
5 common symptoms of dog depression
Be sure that it's the dog depression you're fighting with and not a reflection of your feelings on your dog. Here's how you can recognize it:
- Changes in appetite - the dog is eating less or not at all,
- Changes in sleeping habits - dog sleeps more, or don't want to get out of bed,
- Excessive licking - if a dog more often lick its paws so soothe itself, it may be depressed,
- Avoidance of contact, or hiding - id a dog wants to be alone, it may be a sign that he's feeling some emotional or physical pain,
- Lack of interest - a dog is not interested in doing even basic things.
How can you treat these symptoms? Continue reading and you'll find out.
Dog depression treatments
Dog depression can be treated in a few ways: keep him more engaged, do more exercise, or do more of things he loves to do in general. Try not to give him extra treats of food because he will think that you're rewarding him for his behavior.
It's important to identify the signs of depression in time and start the treatment before it becomes bad.
if this doesn't change the dog's behavior and feelings, it's time to consider some medication. Consult your veterinary for more info and advice.
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